It is a very Common Query
on Net that How to make money Online? How to make Money online without
investment? How to earn money online without investment? We are giving an
answer for such type of Questions. It’s very simple to earn or make money online
without zero money investment.
There are many ways available for make money on internet. Some of
Examples and works are discussing here in this article:
Dr. Neeraj Meel
1. YouTube
2. Blogger
3. Consultancy
4. Mediator for sale of goods and Services.
Particularly, these above
mentioned tools can be used to earn money. If you want so or to earn the money
on internet or online then you must have to pay your attention on this goal.
Specially, I recommend the consternation and dedications as main Factor.
Adsense is Google programming Tool which Provide the facility for
collecting advertisement for third party website, blog and YouTube. You can
start earning or making money on YouTube from beginning. Earning or making of
money from first day of your start is not available at blog or website by using Google
Adsense. If we discuss about Earning Ratio between blogger, YouTube or
Websiter and Google, it is not pretty but not bad. The Ratio is 45% for Google
and 55% of you. Mode of Payment may be both online and offline.
Ok now we should start a conversation about above
mentioned tools for make or earn online money. But I strongly discuss some
essentials before start this discussing.-
- 1 Never think to earn suddenly or
more just earning.
Find out the demand.
- Dedicate
to your passion not earning money.
- Get
devoted to skills not cut or copy and paste.
- Use
your own ideas
- Do
not use Copyright matters or material for your work.
- Provide
that information more which has more demand.
- Use
Social Network for your Publicity.
- Always
do that in which you have interested.
- Use
Google or other search engine help for help of your topic search.
Today i am going to tell about,
How can we earn or Make Money using YouTube. If you want so, please carefully
and if you have any query please write me in comment box.
1. YouTube
without any Question or doubt the YouTube is on top for quick earning or Making
money. It’s very simple. You may use the following step for do this work.
1. Create an account- Create an account on Google or you may use your face book or
twitter for sign up.
2. Collect the videos -Now, you
must have videos of any topic.
OF CHANNEL – You should have some
channel while at the time of opening Google or YouTube account you will have
one channel by default. Under this Title you can decide your Channel
name, Profile, Photo and Social Site Link.
4. Uploading
the Video- After creation of channel
with sign up or social site Link your work are to upload the video. Video may
be under various variety of itself like- Comedy, Remedies, Cooking, Technical
reviews, any uses of any product or services, gym exercise etc. As mentioned
above you have to mention Copyright in your Mind. Any uploading video must not
carry any type of copyright or patents content in itself. You must have obeyed
the YouTube Community guidelines.
5. Publish
and Polish your videos - After upload the
video you should mention and write about your video. Here with I will like to
explain about it. There are three special and useful features will in this way.
Firstly, Video content, this features used to explain the
video and shows video contents. Secondly, Description, it is for about video content
descriptively shows under this feature. Thirdly, tags, this features used to tag your
video that helps the users for search. It makes easy in searching your videos.
6. Enable
Monetization in your account - For Earning or Make
Money you should enable monetization in your account. To enable this feature,
first of all click on channel then go to setting and find out Monetization
feature. Note down, are you eligible or not. If yes, then click enable
monetization features and follows some essential step and note down some
special and essential terms and condition. These terms and condition must have
to follow by you. This step may be process verification your account if it was
not done before.
Use video analytics Tab for
improvement and to know status of your video. Good Luck for your Earning and
Making Money on YouTube.
For Any Type of
related this query please in Write in below comment box. Thanks for read and
visit to our site.
Neeraj Meel
Any Error? Report to Us
Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee the information is 100% accurate.
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